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发布时间:2015-05-29 14:58点击率:

  [摘 要] 知识产权的本质属性为其客体即知识产品的非物质性或无形性,商业秘密权的客体商业秘密也是这样一种无形的知识产品;知识产权的所谓三性即“专有性”、“地域性”和“时间性”只具有相对的意义,以“三性”为标准来将商业秘密权排除在知识产权之外的观点是站不住脚的;商业秘密非公开性和难以界定的特点表明需要更精密的法律技术来界定商业秘密权,而不是否认其知识产权属性的理由;知识产权体系内的每一项子权利都各具特殊性,而非仅限于商业秘密权;从知识产权形成与发展的历史来看,知识产权应当是而且实际上也是一个开放的体系,商业秘密权正是这一开放的体系中的新成员。
  [关键词] 商业秘密权;知识产权;属性;性质
  Trade Secret Right: A Kind of Intellectual Property Right
  CUI Ming-Xia PENG Xue-Long
  (Law School , South-Central University of Economy and Law Wuhan Hubei 430064)
  Abstract : The only essence of the intellectual property right lies in that its object is intangible & of none-material nature. Trade secret is just intangible and of none-material nature, therefore the trade secret right should be a kind of intellectual property right. The so-called “three qualities”, say exclusiveness, regional and timeliness, are of only the relative meaning and are not the essence of the intellectual property right, therefore to deny the trade secret right’s intellectual property right nature only on the basis of the so-called “three qualities” is senseless. Lacking of public noticing and being difficult to define never constitutes the reason to deny that trade secret right is a kind of intellectual property right. The above character of trade secret only means that we should develop more advanced legal technique to define the trade secret right. In the traditional intellectual property right system, there are more differences than generalities among the patent right, the copy right and the trade mark right. As well as the trade secret right, every intellectual property right is special. From the history of the intellectual property right, we can come to a conclusion that the intellectual property right should be and in fact is an open system. The trade secret right is just a new member of the open system.
  Key Words : Trade Secret Right; the Intellectual Property Right; Nature; Character
  近代以来,各国学者对商业秘密法律保护的理论基础进行了深入研究,提出了各种理论和学说,包括“信任关系说”、“契约关系说”、“财产权说(知识产权说)”、“准财产说”、“财产价值说”、“相对财产说”、“反不正当竞争说”、“人格权说”和“企业权说”等等,不一而足。在商业秘密法律保护理论体系中,商业秘密权的法律属性是最根本的问题之一,它往往决定一个国家商业秘密法律保护的强度,是明确商业秘密法律保护的依据和保护方式的关键性问题,同时也是确定商业秘密构成要件的核心依据,因而在立法和司法实践中都具有重要意义。[1]上述各种理论中,“信任关系说”、“契约义务说”和“反不正当竞争理论”未能给予商业秘密和商业秘密权本身以足够的重视,因而不可能最终解决商业秘密和商业秘密权的归属和定性问题。其他各种理论则致力于对“商业秘密权”本身的研究,而且除“人格权说”外,都在一定程度上肯定了商业秘密权的财产权属性,这一点值得肯定。但令人遗憾的是,仅仅从宽泛的财产权角度来界定商业秘密权,是不可能得出准确的结论的。真正科学的理论应将商业秘密权定位于知识产权的范畴,这也是我国执行WTO的Trips协议和完善商业秘密保护法的现实要求。 本文试对商业秘密权的知识产权属性进行探讨并兼论知识产权的性质。
